
Book Detail

Quick Overview A detective fiction novel for children and adolescents by Pranjal Kaushal a class X student of Amity International School, Mayur Vihar, Delhi

ISBN: 978-81-934302-8-6

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Binding: Paper back
$ 3.90
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Something has happened at The Ottawa School…something rather unpleasant.
Two detectives John Sebastian and Patrick Lopez have been appointed by their senior, Brad Dawson, to go and investigate the crime scene.
If this wasn't already enough, their teenaged kids are also planning to find out what has really happened at their school and who is doing all this.
Except for this, both the parents and the kids have their own problems in life and their own methods of coping up with them.
But the only one question you have to worry about for now is that-
Who will unfold the cards behind the incident at The Ottawa School? 
The parents or the kids?

Pranjal Kaushal

Pranjal Kaushal, aged 15, studies at Amity International School, Mayur Vihar. He's in tenth grade at the completion of this book. He's a realist and draws a very big inspiration from authors like Stephen King and J.K. Rowling. He loves reading and his favourite novel is The Shining. He also loves listening to music. He is a very big fan of franchises like Star Wars and Harry Potter and his favourite sport is cricket.

Here is one of his self-written quotes

"You don't have to be the king of a nation to live your life to the fullest. Think hard. You'll get to know that you're already the king of
your life."

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